60 • PROFINET IO 750-340I/O Device ConfigurationWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750PROFINET IO3. Channel ParametersIndividual settings of the channel characteristics can be performed whendesigning several I/O modules. The following channel specific settings can bemade depending on the I/O module:Parameter Setting DescriptionWith external faults, channeldiagnostics and the respective alarmsarelocked*) not transferred to the I/O controllerAsynch. diagnosticmessage channel xreleased transferred to the I/O controllerWord or double word orientatedprocess data of the signal channel aretransferred to the PROFINETIO Controller in:according to the devicesettings*)format that is set on the side of thestation substitute.INTEL (LSB-MSB) "Little Endian" formatProcess data formatchannel xMOTOROLA (MSB-LSB)"Big Endian" formatDefault data outputchannel xI/O module specific0x0000*) ... 0xFFFFWhen configuring the substitute valuebehavior on the side of the I/Omodule, these values are transmittedto the complex signal channel withinvalid output data of the I/Ocontroller.Default output statuschannel x0*) ... 1When configuring the substitute valuebehavior on the side of the I/Omodule, these values are transmittedto the binary signal channel withinvalid output states of the I/Ocontroller.*) Default settings3.1.3.4 Station NamingThe fieldbus coupler (I/O Device) can be clearly identified using its devicename within a PROFINET IO network. The device name enables the I/Ocontroller to allocate the device with an IP address for establishing theproductive data exchange when starting the system. The I/O device receivesthe device name during configuration (station naming) and saves itpermanently. The device name is transferred using Discovery and basicConfiguration-Protocol (DCP). The device is activated using the Ethernetaddress (MAC address).