< cut top 2" cut 1">DIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIOperator Guide 4-39PCL 5 Mode Standard Scalable Fonts The printeroffers 8 PCL 5 scalable fonts that are selectedthrough PCL 5 command set or through the PCL 5SETUP option at the Setup Printer Menu. TheFont Report lists the following families ofscalable fonts that are resident on the printerand available through the PCL 5 command set:F Times-Medium, Times-Bold, Times-Italic,Times-BoldItalicF Univers-Medium, Univers-Italic, Univers-Bold, Univers-Bold-ItalicPCL 5 Mode Standard Bit-mapped Fonts Theprinter offers 7 PCL 5 bit-mapped fonts thatare selected through the PCL 5 command set orthrough the PCL 5 SETUP option at the ControlPanel Main Menu. The Font Report lists thefollowing families of bit-mapped fonts that areresident on the printer and available throughthe PCL 5 command set:F Courier 10 pitch 12 point, Courier 10 pitch12 point Italic, Courier 10 pitch 12 pointBoldF Courier 12 pitch 10 point, Courier 12 pitch10 point Italic, Courier 12 pitch 10 pointBoldF LinePrinter 16.66 pitch 8.5 point.Bit-mapped Fonts Versus Scalable Fonts BecauseXEROX 4219/MRP Mid Range Systems PrinterXEROX 4215/MRP Mid Range Systems Printer