< cut top 2" cut 1">DIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIOperator Guide I-21Table I-13HP-GL/2 Line and Fill Attributes Group CommandsSyntax Name ValuesAC Anchor Corner Determines the starting point forFT [filltype[,option1[,option2]]][;Fill Type Fill Type Description, option1,option21 and 2 Solid black, ignored,ignored3 Hatched (parallellines), line spacing,angle4 Cross-hatched, linespacing, angle10 Shading, %shading,ignored11 User-defined, raster-LA [kind,value...[,kind,value]][;Line Attributes Attribute Kind, Value—DescriptionLine Ends 1, 1—Butt (default)2—Square3—Triangular4—RoundLine Joins 2,1—Mitered (default)2—Mitered/beveled3—Triangular4—Round5—Beveled6—No join appliedMiter Limit 3, 1 to 32,767—Max.length of miter (miterContinuedXEROX 4219/MRP Mid Range Systems PrinterXEROX 4215/MRP Mid Range Systems Printer