3-2 0 IPDS User GuideUsing Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server IPS Managerhost reflect only the pages printed. Therefore, if there is afailure, and the host retransmits pages that were not yetstacked, some of the pages saved during recovery mayduplicate pages saved before the failure.Canceling IPDS JobsXerox FreeFlow® Print Server integrates the standard IPDSCancel behavior with its own Cancel mechanism. To cancel a job,open Job Manager and select [Cancel] from the job menu.The print server generally assumes that all print job managementfunctions are controlled from the printer. When a user invokesCancel from the Job Manager dialog for PDLs other than IPDS,the print server simply terminates the selected job withoutinforming the host. However, the IPDS protocol assumes that allprint job management functions are controlled from the host.Consequently, when the user cancels a print job on a typical IPDSprinter, the printer itself is not actually responsible for cancelingthe job. Instead, the printer requests the host to cancel the job. Inresponse, the host stops sending additional data for the job, andinstructs the printer to discard any pages that are not yetcommitted for printing. Once the printer reports that a page iscommitted, the host assumes that it cannot be discarded during acancel operation.The IPDS host uses page counts returned by the printer todetermine when uncommitted pages have been discarded, andwhen committed pages have completed printing. If the cancelrequest is honored by the host, most hosts transmit a page with aninformation message indicating the cancel key on the printer waspressed. The host then sends the end banner. The printerprocesses these final pages just as it would any other print data.The Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server job status indicates that the jobends normally after these final trailer pages are printed.Since the protocol and the PDL are independent for most datastreams, Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server Cancel behavior does notcause a problem for most PDLs, other than IPDS. However, thisoperability is not suitable for IPDS. When an IPDS host detectsthat a job has stopped processing without completing, it assumesthat the printer has failed. The host then tries to recover, byretransmitting data from the most recent checkpoint before thefailure. If this were allowed to occur on the print server, it woulddefeat the attempt to end the job.The Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server reconciles the standard IPDSCancel behavior with its own Cancel mechanism by recognizingwhen Cancel is invoked for an IPDS job, and ensuring that the