3-2 2 IPDS User GuideUsing Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server IPS ManagerIPDS SessionsIn general, IPDS sessions begin with the first IPDS command thatan IPDS device receives and end when either an IPDS commandexplicitly ends the session or when the carrying-protocol sessionends. Some IPDS printers support an optional command, calledManage IPDS Dialog (MID) that can explicitly start or stop anIPDS dialog. This command allows an IPDS printer to be sharedby multiple hosts by allowing it to conveniently switch betweenmultiple communication sessions. There can be multipleindependent sessions, each with an IPDS dialog. When a printerreceives a Manage IPDS Dialog command to end a session, theprinter can then safely switch to a different session.When IPS Manager starts, it informs the host that it supports theMID command. When the host operator sends a print job to theprinter, the host will initiate a session for the job. If a different job issent to the printer from a different application, the secondapplication will attempt to initiate a new session. The printer willnot accept the second session, and will make an appropriateresponse, depending on the acknowledgement type required bythe host. The host application or operator can then retry creating anew session at some later time. Although only a single sessioncan be processed at a time, the ability to accept sessions fromdifferent sources makes use of the printer more flexible than if theprinter had to be dedicated to a single host application.Background FormsXerox FreeFlow® Print Server IPDS supports both creatingbackground forms from IPDS jobs and merging IPDS jobs withbackground forms created either from IPDS or other PDLs. Formore information, refer to Using Background Forms in the XeroxFreeFlow® Print Servers on-line help.Barcode SymbologyXerox FreeFlow® Print Servers support printing of all IPDS BarCode Object Content Architecture (BCOCA) barcodesymbologies. Xerox FreeFlow® Print Servers accept and validateall BCOCA data structured field values prior to printing thebarcode. When there is an error in the barcode data, anappropriate exception is reported to the host. All barcodes printedmeet the symbology specification standard for the selectedbarcode.Applications can take advantage of the Xerox FreeFlow® PrintServer’s ability to generate barcodes based on the data supplied