Common Controller 2-12. Gateway ConfigurationSetting up the HTTP and SNMP gateways cannot beaccomplished through the graphical user interface and must beset using the gwConfig utility through a UNIX Terminal window.The IPP gateway is configured using the DocuSP interface.Internet Services (HTTP) Gateway ConfigurationPerform the following to configure the HTTP gateway:1. Start the configuration utility. Type ./ gwConfig.NOTE: Refer to the instructions in the section, IPP GatewayConfiguration for information about starting the configuration.2. Perform the following to set up the Internet Services (HTTP)Gateway:Enter the name of the gateway to be configured: InternetServicesConfigure the Internet Services Gateway? [Y/N] yEnter name: Value dataPrinter URL: http://.name>.comNOTE: Use the IP address of the controller if there is nodomain name. For example, A confirmation message of the entered value displays.Confirm that the entry is correct and enter y for yes.4. Continue with this process for every value to be configured.5. When all of the desired values have been configured, press at the Enter Name: [Value Data line].6. When asked to accept the values and update theconfiguration, enter y for yes.7. The configuration utility exits.