How to Use BSDs1/987-2 8830HOW TO USE BSDsNormally, you will be directed to a specific BSDfrom your Level 1 Entry Procedure. If you have aproblem that is not identified in Level 1, then referto the following Level 1 BSD to determine an entrypoint for troubleshooting. Note that the Level 1BSD shows the "standard" Chains 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,8, 9, and 10. Each Level 2 BSD is shown withinthe Level 1 BSD. For example, Chain 6, Imaging,contains two Level 2 Chains: Chain 6.1 Imaging(Right Side) and Chain 6.2, Imaging (Left Side).All of the necessary inputs and outputs for eachChain and for each Level 2 BSD are shown in theLevel 1 BSD.For example, if the User Interface is notfunctioning properly, refer to the Level 1 BSD,Sheet 1, and observe that Chain 2, ModeSelection is the "most likely" place to start.Then, you should go to BSD 2.1 and use thatInformation to diagnose your problem. EachBSD contains the necessary wiringinformation, physical location of componentsinformation, and Diagnostic Code informationto assist you in identifying the specific fault.