Operator Guide 5-19Troubleshooting• You may change the buffer size that determines how manyrecords the system can hold in case of a crash recovery.Change the size through the Online Setup window. (Refer tothe online help for more information.)• A reset or a power off can occur if the Solaris operatingsystem opens or loses files or directories to the printingsystem, and the system is left in an inconsistent state with itspersistent memory.• In case of a power off, perform a UPS (for FX markets only).• When a restart or immediate shutdown occurs in the middleof an LCDS report, the LCDS job is aborted upon recovery.Clearing online print dataIf the system crashes with an online job stuck at the host, purgethe print data from the host queue. (The software problem thatcaused the crash also causes this data to remain.)1. Click the Queue Manager icon.2. Right click on a queue, and select [Properties] from the pop-up menu.3. On the Properties window, select [Spooling] as the inputmode, and click [Apply].4. Right click on the queue again, and select [Do Not ReleaseJobs] from the pop-up menu. This prevents the unnecessaryprocessing of the data.5. Select [Online Manager...] from the System menu.6. On the Online Manager window, select the Output Queuethat you set up in the previous steps.7. Start a new job, and wait until the data transmission iscompleted.8. End the job.9. On the Job Manager window, select the job and delete it.10. Restore the setup of the queue, if necessary.The host queue is now clear and the DocuPrint EPS software isready for the next job.