158 7 Maintenance7 Maintenance7.1 Replacing ConsumableType of ConsumableThe following consumable is provided for the printer. To order it, contact the dealer whereyou purchased the printer.Important• This printer is designed to provide the most stable performance and print quality when used with thegenuine consumable. If you use consumable with specification different from that of the genuineconsumable, the performance of the printer may not be at its optimum. And if the printer breaks due tothe use of non-genuine consumable, you may incur the repair charges. To receive full support and to usethe printer at its best performance, we recommend you to use only the genuine consumable.• The page yield of consumable varies depending on print requests, documents printed, and how often thepower is switched on/off. For more information, refer to "Life of Consumable and Regular ReplacementPart" (P. 206). Print CartridgeThe print cartridge is one that integrates toner, a photoconductor (drum), and adevelopment unit. The print cartridge needs replacement when output becomes light or printquality becomes poor. For information on when and how to replace the print cartridge, referto "Life of Consumable and Regular Replacement Part" (P. 206) and "Replacing the PrintCartridge" (P. 160).Product Name Product Code Page Yield(Reference Value)Print cartridge 10K CWAA0711 Approx. 10,000 pages