UNIX (Linux)Phaser™ 4500 Laser Printer3-42From Your Computer1. Access www.xerox.com/office/support, to select your printer type.■ Operating system: UNIX■ File type: Drivers2. From the list of files provided, download the PrinterPackageXPXX and the file thatmatches your operating system3. Print a test page.4. Verify the print quality of the printed page.NoteIf print-quality problems exist, or if your job did not print, go to Reference/Troubleshooting on the User Documentation CD-ROM. You can also accessPhaserSMART Technical Support through CentreWare Internet Services.Launch your web browser.a. Enter your printer's IP address in the browser’s Address field (http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx).b. Select Support.c. Click the PhaserSMART Diagnostic Tool link to access PhaserSMART.Additional Resources■ Information about creating a generic print queue in a specific workstation environmentcan be found in the Xerox infoSMART Knowledge Base at www.xerox.com/office/infoSMART.■ Access the Xerox web site for the latest CentreWare for UNIX drivers at www.xerox.com/office/support.a. Select Download Software Drivers & Utilities.b. Select your printer, your platform (UNIX), and the printer driver files you want.c. Click Go to Downloads.d. Select the appropriate CentreWare printer driver for your platform.e. Also download the PrinterPackage XPXX. It provides the printer-specific features ofCentreWare for UNIX driver.