The Message Format 6-5Fault Response MessageThe fault response message contains the same slave address as the command message,indicating to the master which slave is responding.The function code of a fault response message is actually a value of 80h plus the original functioncode of 03h. This indicates to the master that the message is a fault response message, instead ofa normal response message.The error code indicates where the error occurred in the command message. The value of 2h in theerror code field of this fault response message, indicates that the command message requesteddata be read from an invalid register. A complete listing of the error codes is shown in Chapter 8,Troubleshooting and Error Codes.A CRC-16 value is generated from a calculation using the values of the address, function code, anderror code sections of the message. The procedure for calculating a CRC-16 value is described atthe end of this chapter. When the master receives the fault response message it calculates a CRC-16 value and compares it to the one in the CRC-16 field of the fault response message. If these twoCRC-16 values are the same the master has received the proper fault response message.02hSLAVE ADDRESS80h + FUNC. CODE 83h02h30hF1hCRC-16 LOWERUPPERERROR CODE