7-10 RegistersDrive Parameter Registers continued (Read/Write)REGISTER PARAMETER PARAMETER PARAMETER LIMITS / DESCRIPTION INITIAL(in hex) FUNCTION SETTING VALUE112h n018 Acceleration Time 1 0.0 to 3600 seconds 10.0113h n019 Deceleration Time 1 0.0 to 3600 seconds 10.0114h n020 Acceleration Time 2 0 to 255 seconds 10.0115h n021 Deceleration Time 2 0 to 255 seconds 10.0116h n022 S - curve Selection 0 No S - curve1 0.2 sec 12 0.5 sec3 1.0 sec117h n023 Digital Operator Display Mode 0 0.1Hz1 0.1% 02-39 rpm40-4999 custom118h n024 Frequency Reference 1 0.0 to 400.0 Hz (1) 0.0119h n025 Frequency Reference 2 0.0 to 400.0 Hz (1) 0.011Ah n026 Frequency Reference 3 0.0 to 400.0 Hz (1) 0.011Bh n027 Frequency Reference 4 0.0 to 400.0 Hz (1) 0.011Ch n028 Frequency Reference 5 0.0 to 400.0 Hz (1) 0.011Dh n029 Frequency Reference 6 0.0 to 400.0 Hz (1) 0.011Eh n030 Jog Reference 0.0 to 400.0 Hz (1) 6.011Fh n031 Frequency Reference – Upper Limit 0 to 109% 100120h n032 Frequency Reference – Lower Limit 0 to 100% 0121h n033 Motor Rated Current motor FLA (within 10 to 100% of drive rated current) (2,3)Notes:1. Range and increment may change due to a ‘custom’ setting of n024.2. Drive rated current is the 100% level. Setting range is 20 to 200% of the GPD506 rated current.3. Initial value depends on GPD 506 capacity.