Command Priority 9-3Table 9-1: Set up for Serial Communication ControlThe first table indicates the functions or commands that can be accessed via serial communication,external terminals, or the digital operator when drive parameter n002 is set up for serialcommunication (n002 = 6, 7, or 8). The ‘O’ indicates that the function is Operable from that source,n/a’ indicates that the function is not available from that source.From DataCodeBitNo.Data Description FunctionAvailability001h 0 Run Command O1 Forward / Reverse O2 External Fault O3 Fault Reset O (1)4 Multi-function Input (terminal S3) O5 Multi-function Input (terminal S4) OSERIAL 6 Multi-function Input (terminal S5) OCOMM. 7 Multi-function Input (terminal S6) O8-15 unused -003h- unused -008h009h 0 Multi-function Output 1 (MA - MC) O (2)1 Multi-function Output 2 (M1 - M2) O (3)2 unused3-7 unused -Forward Run (2 wire); Run Command (3 wire) n/aReverse Run (2 wire); Stop Command (3 wire) n/aEXTERNAL Multi-function input terminal S2 (4)TERMINALS Multi-function input terminal S3 (4)Multi-function input terminal S4 (4)Multi-function input terminal S5 (4)Multi-function input terminal S6 (4)Run Command n/aDIGITAL Stop Command O (5)OPERATOR Fault Reset O (1)Local / Remote O (1,6)Notes:1. Effective when run command received from PLC is ‘0’ while in stopped condition.4. The availability of the multi-function input terminals vary depending upon the settings of n036, n037, n038, n039, andn040 (the multi-function input settings). See technical manual TM 4506.5. Effective only when n008 is ‘1’.6. Effective only when n007 is ‘1’.