9-2 Command PriorityCommand PriorityThe setting of parameter n002 determines the origin of frequency reference and operationcommands. This was discussed in detail in chapter 5, Setting GPD 506 Parameters forCommunication. Some commands may be accessed by a source other than the one set up byparameter n002, as illustrated in the tables 1, 2, and 3 on the following pages.How to use the Command Priority Tables:First, determine the source of control you wish to use for your GPD506 drive. Then the n002parameter should be set up for the desired control you have chosen. (See the table below forparameter settings.) Select the appropriate Command Priority table on the following pages basedupon what type of operation your drive is set up for.n002 Setting Operation CommandReferenceFrequency Reference Use Table:0 Digital Operator Digital Operator 9-31 External Terminals Digital Operator 9-22 Digital Operator External Terminals 9-33 External Terminals External Terminals 9-24 Digital Operator Serial Communication 9-35 External Terminals Serial Communication 9-26 Serial Communication Serial Communication 9-17 Serial Communication Digital Operator 9-18 Serial Communication External Terminals 9-1The left hand column of the Command Priority tables is the source of the operation command (serialcommunication, external terminals, and the Digital Operator). The middle column lists the functionsor commands, and the right most column indicates whether the functions are operational or notavailable from each source.