8 MECHATROLINK-II Commands36 YASKAWA SIEP C730600 86F MECHATROLINK-II Technical Manual■ STATUS FieldBit Name Description Value Setting0 ALM Alarm (fault) status0 No alarm1 Alarm (fault)1 WARNG Warning status0 No warning1 Warning2 CMDRDY Command ready0 Busy1 Ready3 BB OFFBaseblock OFF(OFF when output voltage is being output from thedrive or during bb.)0 Baseblock ON1 Baseblock OFF4 PON Main power supply ON (OFF during Uv)0 Main power supply OFF1 Main power supply ON5 RUNX Running0 -1 Running6 0SP Zero speed0 -1 Zero speed7 REV Reverse RUN0 Forward RUN1 Reverse RUN8 RESET Fault reset signal input0 -1 Fault reset signal input9 AGREE Speed agreement0 -1 Speed agreementA INV_READY Drive ready0 -1 Drive readyB OPE oPE fault0 -1 oPE faultC UV_R Recovery after power loss or recovery aftermomentary power loss0 Recovery after power loss1 Recovery after momentary power lossD REMOTE Local or Remote0 Local1 Remote (Transfer)E SEL_M Motor Selection0 Motor 1, motor 31 Motor 2F 0_SERVO Zero Servo Complete0 -1 Zero Servo completeNote:With the PRM_RD command, only the settings for the STATUS (CMDRDY) is valid. Other bits are not used.■ SUBSTATUS FieldBit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit00 0 0 0 0 SUBCMDRDY SUBWARNG SUBALMSUBALM Sub-command alarm0 No alarm1 AlarmSUBWARNG Sub-command warning0 No warning1 WarningSUBCMDRDY Sub-command ready (Sub-command can be received.)0 Busy1 Ready