5 Teaching5.7 Notes on Operation5-17165637-1CDHW1482181Conveyor SynchronizedFunction5.7 Notes on OperationThe conveyor synchronized move instructions are special instructions forregistering a conveyor position together with a manipulator position.Therefore, different from ordinary move instructions such as MOVJ, theseinstructions have the following restrictions on operations.5.7.1 Confirming Reach to StepWhen the manipulator reaches the target step in FWD/BWD operation ortest run (step motion mode) by a conveyor synchronized move instruction,the operation is stopped and the cursor stops blinking. In this way, it canbe easily confirmed that the manipulator reaches the target step.5.7.2 Backward (BWD) OperationReleasing [FWD] and pressing [BWD] in middle of FWD operation doesnot return the manipulator to the previous step, but the manipulatorcontinues the FWD operation to the next step. Pressing [BWD] after themanipulator reaches the next step, returns the manipulator to the previousstep.5.7.3 Changing ToolThe FWD operation of the first SYMOV instruction after changing a tool,should be performed on the conveyor position at changing a tool.Performing the FWD operation after changing a tool and moving theconveyor causes a segment over alarm.5.7.4 Deleting Taught PointsBefore deleting a move instruction, the manipulator must be placed at thestep position to be deleted. However, this condition can not be satisfiedwith conveyor synchronized move instructions. This is because a taughtposition for a conveyor synchronized move instruction is interpreted todifferent step positions on the conveyor position, as explained before.Therefore, ordinary deleting operation is not possible.To delete a conveyor synchronized move instruction, press [MODIFY] tochange the step position. Then, after the cursor blinks, press [DELETE].NOTE When the manipulator reaches the target step, the cursorstops blinking, however, the cursor restarts blinking whenthe following operations are performed. In this case, movethe cursor to the target step and perform FWD operationagain.• Emergency stop• The cursor is moved in editing job• File and job editing operation• Jog operation62 of 86