14-1165637-1CDHW148218114 Specific I/O Signals14.1 Specific Input Signals “4xxxx”Conveyor SynchronizedFunction14 Specific I/O Signals14.1 Specific Input Signals “4xxxx” 40700 to 40702: Conveyor Home-position Limit Switch InputWhen this signal turns ON, the conveyor home-position limitswitch turns ON. Each specific input signal corresponds to thefollowing conveyor home-position limit switches.Conveyor home-position limit switch 1 input: 40700Conveyor home-position limit switch 2 input: 40701Conveyor home-position limit switch 3 input: 4070214.2 Specific Output Signals “5xxxx” 51100 to 51102: Conveyor Home-position Limit Switch OutputIndicates the status of the conveyor home-position limit switch.Each specific output signal corresponds to the followingconveyor home-position limit switches.Conveyor home-position limit switch 1 output: 51100Conveyor home-position limit switch 2 output: 51101Conveyor home-position limit switch 3 output: 51102 51410: SYMOVJ in ExecutionIndicates that the move instruction “SYMOVJ” for the conveyorsynchronized motion is being executed. 51420: Conveyor Speed DownIndicates that the conveyor speed falls below the lower limit ofthe speed that is set in the Conveyor Condition File. 51430 to 51432: Disconnection DetectedIndicates the detected disconnection of the conveyor pulsesignals. Each specific output signal corresponds to the followingConveyor Condition Files.Conveyor Condition File No. 1: 51430Conveyor Condition File No. 2: 51431Conveyor Condition File No. 3: 51432StateStateStateStateState83 of 86