No. Name DescriptionH6-05 Pulse Train Input Filter Time Sets the pulse train input filter time constant.H6-06 Pulse Train Monitor Terminal MPSelection Select the pulse train monitor output function (value of the - partof U-).H6-07 Pulse Train Monitor Scaling Sets the pulse output frequency in Hz when the monitor value is 100%.L1: Motor Protection FunctionsUse L1 parameters to configure motor protective functions.L1-01 Motor Overload ProtectionSelection1: General Purpose Motor (Standard Fan Cooled)2: Drive Dedicated Motor with a Speed Range of 1:103: Vector Motor with a Speed Range of 1:1004: PM Motor with Variable Torque6: General Purpose Motor (50 Hz)NOTICE: The thermal protection is reset when the power is cycled.In applications where the power is frequently cycled, the drive may notbe able to provide protection, even if this parameter is set to 1. Set to“0” and ensure each motor has a thermal relay installed.Note: Setting 6 is available in drive software versions PRG: 1016 andlater.L1-02 Motor Overload Protection Time Sets the motor thermal overload protection (oL1) time.L1-03 Motor Overheat Alarm OperationSelection (PTC input) Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.L1-04 Motor Overheat Fault OperationSelection (PTC input) Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.L1-05 Motor Temperature Input FilterTime (PTC input) Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.L1-13 Continuous ElectrothermalOperation Selection Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.L1-22 Leakage Current Filter TimeConstant 1 Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.Note: Available in drive software versions PRG: 1021 and later.L1-23 Leakage Current Filter TimeConstant 2 Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.Note: Available in drive software versions PRG: 1021 and later.L2: Momentary Power LossUse L2 parameters to configure drive functions for momentary power loss conditions.L2-01 Momentary Power Loss OperationSelection0: Disabled - Drive trips on (UV1) fault when power is lost.1: Power Loss Ride-Thru Time - Drive will restart if power returnswithin the time set in L2-02.2: CPU Power Active - Drive will restart if power returns as long asthe CPU is working.L2-02 Momentary Power Loss Ride-ThruTime Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.L2-03 Momentary Power Loss MinimumBaseblock Time Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.L2-04 Momentary Power Loss VoltageRecovery Ramp Time Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.L2-05 Undervoltage Detection Level(UV) Refer to V1000 Technical Manual for details.B.1 Parameter Table190 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP C710606 47A YASKAWA AC Drive – V1000 Quick Start Guide