Page 1FT-950 O PERATING M ANUALGENERAL D ESCRIPTIONCongratulations on the purchase of your Yaesu amateurtransceiver! Whether this is your first rig, or if Yaesu equip-ment is already the backbone of your station, rest assuredyour transceiver will provide many hours of operating plea-sure for years to come.The FT-950 is an elite-class HF transceiver providing ex-ceptional performance both on transmit and receive. TheFT-950 is designed for the most competitive operatingsituations, whether you primarily operate in contest, DX,or digital-mode environments.Built on the foundation of the popular FTDX 9000 trans-ceiver, and carrying the proud tradition of the FT-1000series, the FT-950 provides up to 100 Watts of power out-put on SSB, CW, and FM (25 Watts AM carrier). DigitalSignal Processing (DSP) is utilized throughout the design,providing leading-edge performance, both transmit andreceive.The Data Management Unit (DMU-2000) is available asan option for the FT-950. It provides extensive displaycapabilities via a user-supplied computer monitor. Includedare Band Scope, Audio Scope, X-Y Oscilloscope, WorldClock, Rotator Control, extensive Transceiver Status Dis-plays, and Station Logging Capability.For exceptional protection from strong signal interference,the optional RF μTuning Kits may be connected via therear panel. The μTuning Kits provide extraordinarily sharpselectivity, and protect your receiver from close-in inter-ference on a crowded band.In the front end, you may select one of two RF preamplifi-ers, or IPO (Intercept Point Optimization) providing di-rect feed to the first mixer. Three levels of RF attenuationare available in 6-dB steps.The FT-950 receiver utilizes DSP filtering, incorporatingmany of the features of the FTDX9000, such as, VariableBandwidth, IF Shift, and Passband Contour tuning. Alsoprovided are Digital Noise Reduction, Digital Auto-NotchFiltering and a manually tuned IF Notch filter.On the transmit side, the Yaesu-exclusive Three-Band Para-metric Microphone Equalizer allows precise and flexibleadjustment of the waveform created by your voice andmicrophone. The Amplitude, Center Frequency, and Band-width are adjusted separately for the low, mid-range, andhigh-frequency audio spectra. The transmitted bandwidthmay also be adjusted.Advanced features include: Direct Keyboard FrequencyEntry and Band Change, Speech Processor, IF Monitorfor Voice modes, CW Pitch control, CW Spot switch, FullCW QSK, adjustable IF Noise Blanker, and all-modeSquelch. Two TX/RX antenna ports are provided on therear panel. Two key jacks are provided (one on the frontand one on the rear panel). The key jacks may be config-ured independently for paddle input, connection to astraight key, or computer-driven keying interface. The CWMessage Memory is provided.Frequency setup is straightforward on the FT-950. Enterfrequency directly for both VFO-A and VFO-B. Separatekeys are provided for band selection. Each band key pro-vides three separate VFO settings for three different partsof each band. You can establish three independent VFOsettings of frequency, mode, and filter for each band.In addition, 99 memories are provided to store: Frequency,Mode, IF filter selection, Clarifier offset, and Scan-skipstatus. What’s more, five quick-recall (“QMB”) memo-ries can instantly store operational settings at the push of abutton.The built-in antenna tuner includes 100 memories that au-tomatically store antenna matching settings for rapid au-tomatic recall later.Interfacing for digital modes is extremely simple with theFT-950, thanks to the dedicated RTTY/PKT connectionjack on the rear panel. Optimization of the filter passband,DSP settings, carrier insertion point, and display offset fordigital modes, is possible via the Menu programming sys-tem.Advanced technology is only part of the FT-950 story.Vertex Standard stands behind our products with a world-wide network of dealers and service centers. We greatlyappreciate your investment in the FT-950, and we lookforward to helping you get the most out of your new trans-ceiver. Please feel free to contact your nearest dealer, orone of Vertex Standard’s national headquarters offices, fortechnical advice, interfacing assistance, or accessory rec-ommendation. Watch Vertex Standard U.S.A.’s Home Pagefor late-breaking information about Vertex, Standard Ho-rizon, and Yaesu products: read this manual thoroughly, to gain maximum un-derstanding of the full capability of the FT-950. We thankyou again for your purchase!