Page 18FT-991 O PERA T ING M ANUALdisplaY indiCaTionsMode IndicatorDisplays the current operating mode.VFO-A Frequency DisplayShows the main band (VFO-A) frequency.Tuning Offset IndicatorThis indicates the relative offset of the CW-TUNE,μ-TUNE, Clarifier, etc.Configuration IndicatorTUNERThis indicator appears when the internal AutomaticAntenna Tuner is activated.VOXThis indicator appears when the automatic voice-actuated transmitter switches in the SSB, AM, andFM modes.PROCThis indicator appears whenever the DSP SpeechProcessor is activated.MIC EQThis indicator appears whenever the Three-BandParametric Microphone Equalizer is activated viathe Menu.NARThis indicator appears whenever the receiver’snarrow IF DSP filter is engaged.RECThis indicator appears while the optional VoiceMemory Unit is recording your voice message, orthe Contest Keyer is recording your CW keying.PLAYThis indicator appears while the optional VoiceMemory Unit is playing back the recorded voicemessage, or the recorded Contest CW keying.[+]/[-]During FM repeater operation, a negative frequen-cy shift will be indicated by “[-]” while a positivefrequency shift will be indicated by “[+]”.DNRThis indicator appears whenever the Digital NoiseReduction feature is activated.DNFThis indicator appears whenever the Digital NotchFilter is activated.LCD Display