Page 55FT-991 O PERA T ING M ANUALenhanCing TransMiT signal Q ualiTYA djuSting the SSb trAnSMitted bAndwidth (SSb Mode)For transmission on SSB, a default bandwidth of 2.4 kHz is provided. This bandwidth provides reasonable fidelity alongwith good talk power, and is typical of the bandwidth used for decades for SSB transmission. The bandwidth may bevaried by the operator, to provide different levels of fidelity or talk power, according to your preferences.Here are the steps to adjust the SSB transmit bandwidth:1. Press the MENU(SETUP) button to engage theMenu.2. Rotate the MULTI knob to select Menu item “110SSB TX BPF”.3. Touch [SELECT] on the LCD, then rotate theMULTI knob to select the desired bandwidth. Theavailable selections are: 100-3000 Hz, 100-2900Hz, 200-2800 Hz, 300-2700 Hz, and 400-2600 Hz.The default is 300-2700 Hz. A wider bandwidth willprovide greater fidelity. A narrow bandwidth willcompress the available transmitter power into lessspectrum, resulting in more “talk power” for DXpile-ups.4. Touch [ENTER] on the LCD to save the new set-ting.5. Press the MENU(SETUP) button or touch [BACK]on the LCD to exit to normal operation.A dvice :The Transmit Monitor function is a very helpful way toconfirm the effect that changing the bandwidth will haveon fidelity. With [MONI] displayed by pressing the F(M-LIST) button, you will be able to hear the difference insound quality as you make changes.quick pointS:The higher fidelity associated with wide bandwidth willbe particularly enjoyable on the low bands during localrag-chew QSOs.MULTI KnobMENU(SETUP) Button F(M-LIST) Button