Basic components19 The fuel consumption meter and fueleconomy meter will indicate the same unitof measurement.EMU26760Fuel consumption meterThis gauge displays the total amount of fuelconsumed since the gauge was last reset.Press the “ ” (mode) button repeatedlyuntil the indicator on the face of the gaugepoints to total “ ” (total). To reset the totalfuel consumption to zero, press the “ ”(set) and “ ” (mode) buttons at the sametime.EMU26770Fuel economyThis gauge displays the distance per liter orgallon when cruising, and is only for refer-ence use by the operator.Press the “ ” (mode) button repeatedlyuntil the indicator on the face of the gaugepoints to “ ” (economy).NOTE:If twin engines are installed on your boat, thegauge will only display the total fuel economyof both engines.NOTE: Fuel consumption varies greatly with boatdesign, weight, propeller used, engine trimangle, sea conditions (including wind), andthrottle position. Fuel consumption alsovaries slightly with the type of water (salt,fresh, and contaminate levels), air temper-ature and humidity, cleanliness of the boatbottom, engine mounting height, skill ofthe operator, and individual gasoline for-mulation (winter or summer fuel andamount of additives). The Yamaha digital speedometer and fuelmanagement meter calculates speed,miles traveled, and fuel economy by watermovement at the stern of the boat. Thisdistance can vary greatly from the actualdistance traveled because of water cur-rents, sea swells, and the condition of thewater speed sensor (partially plugged ordamaged). Individual engines may slightly vary in theirfuel consumption due to manufacturingvariations. These variations can be evengreater if the engines are of different yearmodels. In addition, variations in propel-lers, even of the same basic dimensions ofthe same design, can also cause a slightvariation in fuel consumption.EMU26780Twin-engine speed synchronizerThis gauge displays the difference in enginespeed (r/min) between the port and star-board engines for reference purposes whensynchronizing the two engines’ speeds.Press the “ ” (mode) button repeatedlyZMU01751ZMU01752