Operation25EMU27060Gasoline and engine oil mixing chart(50:1)CAUTION:ECM00150Be sure to mix gasoline and oil complete-ly, otherwise the engine may be dam-aged.EMU30311Procedure for oil injection modelsRun the engine under load (in gear with apropeller installed) for 10 hours as follows.1. First 10 minutes:Run the engine at the lowest possiblespeed. A fast idle in neutral is best.2. Next 50 minutes:Do not exceed half throttle (approxi-mately 3000 r/min). Vary engine speedoccasionally. If you have an easy-plan-ing boat, accelerate at full throttle ontoplane, then immediately reduce thethrottle to 3000 r/min or less.3. Next two hours:Accelerate at full throttle onto plane,then reduce engine speed to three-quar-ter throttle (approximately 4000 r/min).Vary engine speed occasionally. Run atfull throttle for one minute, then allowabout 10 minutes of operation at three-quarter throttle or less to let the enginecool.4. Remaining seven hours:Run the engine at any speed. However,avoid operating at full throttle for morethan 5 minutes at a time.5. After the first 10 hours:Operate the engine normally. Use onlystraight gasoline in the fuel tank. TheYamaha oil injection system providesproper lubrication for normal operation.EMU27102Preoperation checksWARNINGEWM00080If any item in the preoperation check isnot working properly, have it inspectedand repaired before operating the out-board motor. Otherwise an accidentcould occur.CAUTION:ECM00120Do not start the engine out of water. Over-heating and serious engine damage canoccur.EMU27111Fuel Check to be sure you have plenty of fuelfor your trip. Make sure there are no fuel leaks or gaso-line fumes. Check fuel line connections to be sure theyare tight (if equipped Yamaha fuel tank orboat tank). Be sure the fuel tank is positioned on a se-cure, flat surface, and that the fuel line isnot twisted or flattened, or likely to contactsharp objects (if equipped Yamaha fueltank or boat tank).EMU27120Oil Check to be sure you have plenty of oil for1. : Gasoline2. : Engine oil