General information3watch for obstacles and other traffic. Always watch carefully for swimmers dur-ing the engine operation. Stay away from swimming areas. When a swimmer is in the water near youshift into neutral and shut off the engine. Do not illegally discard empty containersused to replace or replenish oil. For thecorrect processing of empty containers,consult the dealer where you purchasedthe oil. When replacing oils used to lubricate theproduct (engine or gear oil), be sure towipe away any spilt oil. Never pour oil with-out using a funnel or similar device. If nec-essary, verify the necessary replacementprocedure with the dealer. Never illegally discard (dump) the product.Yamaha recommends consulting the deal-er on discarding the product.EMU25382Important labelsEMU25395Warning labelsEMU25401LabelWARNINGEWM01260 Be sure shift control is in neutral beforestarting engine. (except 2HP) Do not touch or remove electrical partswhen starting or during operation. Keep hands, hair, and clothes awayfrom flywheel and other rotating partswhile engine is running.EMU25413Label (counter rotation models)WARNINGEWM01281Use only a counterclockwise rotationpropeller with this engine.Counterclockwise propellers are markedwith a letter “L” after the size indication.The wrong type of propeller could causethe boat to go in an unexpected direction,which could lead to an accident.EMU25451LabelENGINE OIL ONLY Pour the engine oil into this oil tank, notgasoline.RECOMMENDED OIL:YAMALUBE 2 STROKE OUTBOARD OIL orZMU05408ZMU01948