4-3E123EMU01362TRANSPORTING OUTBOARD WHENUNMOUNTEDTransport in an upright position to preventengine oil from entering the cylinder headand causing damage to the motor.EMU00330STORING OUTBOARD MOTORWhen storing your Yamaha outboard for pro-longed periods of time, (2 months or longer),several important procedures must be per-formed to prevent expensive damage. It isadvisable to have your outboard serviced byan authorized Yamaha dealer prior to stor-age. However, the following procedures canbe performed by you, the owner, with a mini-mum of tools.CAUTION:@ To prevent problems which can becaused by oil entering the cylinderfrom the sump, keep the engine in theattitude shown when transporting andstoring it. Do not place the engine on its sidebefore the cooling water has drainedfrom it completely, or water may enterthe cylinder through the exhaust portand cause problems. Store the engine in a dry, well-venti-lated place, not in direct sunlight.@1 Vertical position2 Horizontal position3 With the recoil starter facing downward(clamp screw facing upward)