EEMU01449TO THE OWNERThank you for choosing a Yamaha outboardmotor. This Owner’s manual contains infor-mation needed for proper operation, mainte-nance and care. A thorough understandingof these simple instructions will help youobtain maximum enjoyment from your newYamaha. If you have any question about theoperation or maintenance of your outboardmotor, please consult a Yamaha dealer.In this Owner’s Manual particularly impor-tant information is distinguished in the fol-lowing ways.The Safety Alert Symbol meansATTENTION! BECOME ALERT!YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED!WARNING@Failure to follow WARNING instructionscould result in severe injury or death tothe machine operator, a bystander, or aperson inspecting or repairing the out-board motor.@CAUTION:A CAUTION indicates special precau-tions that must be taken to avoid damageto the outboard motor.@NOTE:@A NOTE provides key information to makeprocedures easier or clearer.@* Yamaha continually seeks advancementsin product design and quality. Therefore,while this manual contains the most cur-rent product information available at thetime of printing, there may be minor dis-crepancies between your machine and thismanual. If there is any question concern-ing this manual, please consult yourYamaha dealer.NOTE:@The F225A, LF225A and their standardaccessories are used as a base for theexplanations and illustrations in this manual.Therefore, some items may not apply toevery model.@EMU01446F225A/LF225AOWNER’S MANUAL©2001 by Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA1st Edition, April 2001All rights reserved.Any reprinting or unauthorized usewithout the written permission ofYamaha Motor Corporation, USAis expressly prohibited.Printed in JapanP/N LIT-18626-04-66