4-18EEMU01676Cleaning Fuel Filter1) Remove the bolts 1 that are securingthe fuel filter bracket 5 in place.2) Loosen the bolt 2 that retains the locktab 3, and remove the lock tab.3) Loosen the bolt 4 that secures the fuelfilter in place.4) Loosen the ring nut 0 of the filter cup9.5) Remove the filter cup, catching anyspilled fuel in a container.6) Remove the filter element 7, and washit in solvent. Allow it to dry. Inspect thefilter element and O-ring 8 to makesure they are in good condition. Replacethem if necessary.7) Reinstall the filter element in the filterhousing 6.8) Reinsert the O-ring in its proper posi-tion, screw the ring nut onto the fillerhousing until the filter housing is lightlyseated.9) Tighten the ring nut approximately anadditional 1/4 turn until the ring nut istight. Align the one of the eight large ringnut tabs into the slot of the locking tab.Install and tighten the locking tab bolt.10) Reinstall the fuel filter onto the filterbracket by tightening the bolt.11) Reinstall the fuel filter bracket onto theengine by tightening the bolts.12) Run the engine and check the filter andlines for leaks.NOTE:@If any water is in the fuel, the red ring in thefuel filter unit will float. If so, remove the cupand drain the water.@