6D81G11 5-48123456789NOTE:Cylinder block journal inside diameters (#1–#5) and crankshaft journal diameters (#1–#5)can be determined by the stamped value asdescribed below.Crankshaft journal diameter = 47.900 +(stamped value/1,000)Example: #1 = 92 → 47.992Cylinder block journal inside diameter =54.000 + (stamped value/1,000)Example: #1 = 32 → 54.0324. Select the suitable color a for the mainbearing from the table below according tothe calculated values.CAUTION:• The (*) mark indicates that the colors ofthe upper and lower bearings are differ-ent.• Be sure to install the main bearings inthe middle of the cylinder block andcrankcase journal so they do not blockthe oil holes.NOTE:Main bearing #3 is a thrust bearing.Example:If the “Crankshaft journal mark” is 92, and the“Cylinder block mark” is 32, then the “Calcu-lated value” = 54.032 – 47.992 = 6.040 mmSuitable colors:Bearing (cylinder side)/ thrust bearing → blueBearing (crankcase side) → blue5. If the calculated value is more than themaximum value (6.058 mm), replace thecrankshaft.Main bearing selection table(20 °C [68 °F])Cylinder blockjournal insidediameters –crankshaft journaldiameters (mm)Bearing(cylinderside)/thrustbearingBearing(crankcaseside)6.023–6.026 Green Yellow*6.027–6.034 Blue Green*6.035–6.042 Blue Blue6.043–6.049 Red Blue*6.050–6.058 Red RedS6D85720aaCylinder block