3 - 19CHKADJADJUSTING THE VALVE CLEARANCENOTE:@• Cover the timing chain opening with a rag toprevent the valve pad from falling into thecrankcase.• Make a note of the position of each valvelifter 1 and valve pad 2 so that they can beinstalled in the correct place.b. Select the proper valve pad from the follow-ing table.NOTE:@• The thickness a of each valve pad ismarked in hundredths of millimeters on theside that touches the valve lifter.• Since valve pads of various sizes are origi-nally installed, the valve pad number must berounded in order to reach the closest equiva-lent to the original.c. Round off the original valve pad numberaccording to the following table.EXAMPLE:Original valve pad number = 148 (thickness=1.48 mm)Rounded value = 150d. Locate the rounded number of the originalvalve pad and the measured valve clear-ance in the valve pad selection table. Thepoint where the column and row intersect isthe new valve pad number.NOTE:@The new valve pad number is only an approxi-mation. The valve clearance must be mea-sured again and the above steps should berepeated if the measurement is still incorrect.Valve pad thicknessrange Available valve padsNos.120 ~ 2401.20 ~2.40 mm25 thicknesses in0.05 mm incrementsLast digit Rounded value0 or 2 05 58 10