5-74TRANSMISSION3. Check:• Transmission gearsBlue discoloration/pitting/wear → Replacethe defective gear(s).• Transmission gear dogsCracks/damage/rounded edges → Replacethe defective gear(s).4. Check:• Transmission gear engagement(each pinion gear to its respective wheelgear)Incorrect → Reassemble the transmissionaxle assemblies.5. Check:• Transmission gear movementRough movement → Replace the defectivepart(s).6. Check:• CirclipsBends/damage/looseness → Replace.ASSEMBLING THE MAIN AXLE ANDDRIVE AXLE1. Install:• Toothed washer “1”• Circlip “2”NOTE:• Be sure the circlip shape-edged corner “a” ispositioned opposite side to the toothed wash-er and gear.• Install the circlip so that both ends “b” are po-sitioned in the center of each axle spline “c”.NewINSTALLING THE TRANSMISSION1. Install:• Shift fork “L” “1” (to drive axle)• Shift fork “C” “2” (to main axle)• Shift fork “R” “3” (to drive axle)• Shift drum “4”• Transmission assemblyNOTE:• The embossed marks on the shift forksshould face towards the right side of the en-gine and be in the following sequence: “R”,“C”, and “L”.• Make sure that the shift fork cam follower isproperly seated in the shift drum groove.1432