8-46ELECTRICAL COMPONENTSEAS27990CHECKING THE BULBS AND BULBSOCKETSNOTE:Do not check any of the lights that use LEDs.Check each bulb and bulb socket for damageor wear, proper connections, and also for conti-nuity between the terminals.Damage/wear → Repair or replace the bulb,bulb socket or both.Improperly connected → Properly connect.No continuity → Repair or replace the bulb, bulbsocket or both.Types of bulbsThe bulbs used on this vehicle are shown in thefollowing illustration.• Bulbs “a” and “b” are used for the headlightsand usually use a bulb holder that must bedetached before removing the bulb. The ma-jority of these types of bulbs can be removedfrom their respective socket by turning themcounterclockwise.• Bulbs “c” are used for turn signal andtail/brake lights and can be removed from thesocket by pushing and turning the bulb coun-terclockwise.• Bulbs “d” and “e” are used for meter and indi-cator lights and can be removed from their re-spective socket by carefully pulling them out.Checking the condition of the bulbsThe following procedure applies to all of thebulbs.1. Remove:• BulbWARNINGSince headlight bulbs get extremely hot,keep flammable products and your handsaway from them until they have cooleddown.CAUTION:• Be sure to hold the socket firmly when re-moving the bulb. Never pull the lead, oth-erwise it may be pulled out of the terminalin the coupler.• Avoid touching the glass part of a head-light bulb to keep it free from oil, otherwisethe transparency of the glass, the life ofthe bulb, and the luminous flux will be ad-versely affected. If a headlight bulb getssoiled, thoroughly clean it with a clothmoistened with alcohol or lacquer thinner.2. Check:• Bulb (for continuity) (with the pocket tester)No continuity → Replace.Pocket tester90890-03112NOTE:Before checking for continuity, set the pockettester to “0” and to the “Ω x 1” range.Check each bulb and bulb socket for damagea. Connect the positive tester probe to terminal“1” and the negative tester probe to terminal“2”, and check the continuity.b. Connect the positive tester probe to terminal“1” and the negative tester probe to terminal“3”, and check the continuity.c. If either of the readings indicate no continu-ity, replace the bulb.▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼