E- 8For connections, keep the speaker cables as short aspossible. Do not bundle or roll up the excess part of thecables. If the connections are faulty, no sound will be heardfrom the speakers.Before connectingRemove the insulation coating at the extremity of eachspeaker cable by twisting the coating off. How to connect speaker cablesOne side of the provided speaker cable has a white brokenline and the other side has no line.Connect the (+) terminals on both the speaker and theamplifier using the side with a white broken line. Connectthe (–) terminals on both components using the side with noline.How to Connect:1 Press and hold the terminal’s tab, as shown in thefigure.2 Insert the bare wire.3 Release your finger from the tab to allow it to locksecurely on the cable’s wire end.4 Test the firmness of the connection by pulling lightly onthe cable at the terminal.Red: positive (+)Black: negative (–)NoteDo not let the bare speaker wires touch each other asthis could damage the speaker or the amplifier, or bothof them.White broken line● Connect the main, center and rear speakers (and rearcenter speaker for NS-P106) to the speaker outputterminals of your amplifier with the provided speakercables.* The provided speaker cables have labels markedFRONT L, FRONT R, CENTER, REAR L, REAR R(and REAR C for NS-P106). Connect each speakercable to the corresponding speaker by following thefigure on page 7.(The speaker cables marked FRONT L/R are used forconnecting the main speakers to the MAIN speakers’terminals on the amplifier.)* Connect each speaker making sure not to reverse thepolarity (+, –). If the speaker is connected withreversed polarity, the sound will be unnatural and lackbass.* For the main and rear speakers only, connect onespeaker to the left (marked L) terminals of youramplifier, and another speaker to the right (marked R)terminals.● Connect the subwoofer to the line output (pin jack)terminal(s) of the amplifier.* To connect with a YAMAHA DSP amplifier (or AVreceiver), connect the SUBWOOFER (or LOW PASSetc.) terminal on the rear of the DSP amplifier (or AVreceiver) to the L/MONO INPUT terminal of thesubwoofer.* To connect the subwoofer to the SPLIT SUBWOOFERterminals on the rear of the DSP amplifier, connectthem to both the left L/MONO and right R INPUTterminals of the subwoofer.NoteWhen connecting to a monaural line output terminal of theamplifier, connect to the L/MONO INPUT terminal.