SAFETY INFORMATION2-22 Many accidents involve inexperi-enced operators.• Make sure that you are qualifiedand that you only lend your mo-torcycle to other qualified oper-ators.• Know your skills and limits.Staying within your limits mayhelp you to avoid an accident.• We recommend that you prac-tice riding your motorcycle untilyou have become thoroughlyfamiliar with the motorcycle andall of its controls. Many accidents have beencaused by error of the motorcycleoperator. A typical error made bythe operator is veering wide on aturn due to excessive speed or un-dercornering (insufficient lean an-gle for the speed). Never travelfaster than warranted by condi-tions. Ride cautiously in unfamiliar ar-eas. You may encounter hiddenobstacles that could cause an ac-cident. The posture of the operator is im-portant for proper control. The op-erator should keep both hands onthe handlebar and both feet on theoperator footrests during opera-tion to maintain control of the mo-torcycle. Never ride under the influence ofalcohol or other drugs.Protective ApparelThe majority of fatalities from motorcy-cle accidents are the result of head in-juries. The use of a safety helmet is thesingle most critical factor in the pre-vention or reduction of head injuries. Always wear an approved helmet. Wear a face shield or goggles.Wind in your unprotected eyescould contribute to an impairmentof vision that could delay seeing ahazard. The use of a jacket, heavy boots,trousers, gloves, etc., is effectivein preventing or reducing abra-sions or lacerations. Never wear loose-fitting clothes,otherwise they could catch on thecontrol levers, footrests, or wheelsand cause injury or an accident. Always wear protective clothingthat covers your legs, ankles, andfeet. The engine or exhaust sys-tem become very hot during or af-ter operation and can causeburns.Avoid Carbon Monoxide PoisoningAll engine exhaust contains carbonmonoxide, a deadly gas. Breathingcarbon monoxide can cause head-aches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea,confusion, and eventually death.Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odor-less, tasteless gas which may be pres-ent even if you do not see or smell anyengine exhaust. Deadly levels of car-bon monoxide can collect rapidly andyou can quickly be overcome and un-able to save yourself. Also, deadly lev-els of carbon monoxide can linger forhours or days in enclosed or poorlyventilated areas. If you experience anysymptoms of carbon monoxide poi-