PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT7-117EAU39931Adjusting the carburetorThe carburetor is an important part ofthe engine and requires very sophisti-cated adjustment. Therefore, mostcarburetor adjustments should be leftto a Yamaha dealer, who has the nec-essary professional knowledge and ex-perience. The adjustment described inthe following section, however, may beserviced by the owner as part of rou-tine maintenance.NOTICEECA10551The carburetor has been set and ex-tensively tested at the Yamaha fac-tory. Changing these settingswithout sufficient technical knowl-edge may result in poor perfor-mance of or damage to the engine.EAU21363Adjusting the engine idlingspeedThe engine idling speed must bechecked and, if necessary, adjusted asfollows at the intervals specified in theperiodic maintenance and lubricationchart.TIPA diagnostic tachometer is needed tomake this adjustment.1. Attach the tachometer to thespark plug lead.2. Start the engine and warm it up forseveral minutes at 1000–2000r/min while occasionally revving itto 4000–5000 r/min.TIPThe engine is warm when it quickly re-sponds to the throttle.3. Check the engine idling speedand, if necessary, adjust it tospecification by turning the throt-tle stop screw. To increase the en-gine idling speed, turn the screw indirection (a). To decrease the en-gine idling speed, turn the screw indirection (b).TIPIf the specified idling speed cannot beobtained as described above, have aYamaha dealer make the adjustment.1. Throttle stop screwEngine idling speed:1650–1750 r/min1(a)(b)