PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT7-177EAU43634Lubricating the front and rearbrake leversThe pivoting points of the front and rearbrake levers must be lubricated at theintervals specified in the periodic main-tenance and lubrication chart.EAU23193Checking and lubricating thecenterstandThe operation of the centerstandshould be checked before each ride,and the pivots and metal-to-metal con-tact surfaces should be lubricated ifnecessary.WARNINGEWA11302If the centerstand does not move upand down smoothly, have a Yamahadealer check or repair it. Otherwise,the centerstand could contact theground and distract the operator, re-sulting in a possible loss of control.EAU42082Checking the front forkThe condition and operation of thefront fork must be checked as followsat the intervals specified in the periodicmaintenance and lubrication chart.To check the conditionCheck the inner tubes for scratchesand damage.To check the operation1. Place the vehicle on a level sur-face and hold it in an upright posi-tion. WARNING! To avoid injury,securely support the vehicle sothere is no danger of it fallingover. [EWA10752]2. While applying the front brake,push down hard on the handle-bars several times to check if thefront fork compresses and re-bounds smoothly.Recommended lubricant:Lithium-soap-based greaseRecommended lubricant:Lithium-soap-based grease