45EnglishADVANCEDOPERATIONControlling other componentsYou can operate other components if you have set themanufacturer code for your component in the remotecontrol. Note, however, that some buttons may notoperate the component correctly.Once you select an input source, the remote controlswitches to the mode for operating the component.* 1 This button functions only when the original remote control of the component has a POWER button.* 2 These buttons can operate your TV without switching the input if the manufacturer code is set in D-TV/CBL.* 3 These buttons can operate your VCR without switching the input to VCR if the manufacturer code is set in VCR.1 AV POWER2 TV POWER3 REC/DISC SKIPwerAUDIOdtya4 TV CH +TV CH –5 TV VOL +TV VOL –6 TV MUTE7 TV INPUT8 1-9, 0, +109 TITLE0 PRESET/CH uPRESET/CH dPRESET/CH jPRESET/CH iSELECTq RETURNw ENTERe MENUr DISPLAYDVD player*1Power*2 TV powerDisc skipPlaySearch backwardSearch forwardAudioPauseSkip backwardSkip forwardStop*2 TV channel up*2TV channel down*2 TV volume up*2 TV volume down*2 TV mute*2TV inputNumeric buttonsTitleUpDownLeftRightSelectReturnTitle/IndexMenuDisplayVCR*1Power*2TV powerRecPlaySearch backwardSearch forwardPauseStop*2TV channel up*2TV channel down*2TV volume up*2TV volume down*2TV mute*2TV inputNumeric buttonsVCR channel upVCR channel downEnterTV, digital/cable TV*3VCR power*2TV power*3 VCR rec*3VCR play*3 VCR search backward*3VCR search forward*3VCR pause*3VCR stopTV channel upTV channel downTV volume upTV volume downTV muteTV inputNumeric buttonsEnterCD player*1Power*2TV powerDisc skipPlaySearch backwardSearch forwardPauseSkip backwardSkip forwardStop*2TV channel up*2TV channel down*2TV volume up*2TV volume down*2TV mute*2TV inputNumeric buttonsIndexMenuDisplayCD/MD recorder*1 Power*2TV powerRec (MD)PlaySearch backwardSearch forwardPauseSkip backwardSkip forwardStop*2TV channel up*2TV channel down*2TV volume up*2TV volume down*2TV mute*2 TV inputNumeric buttonsIndexDisplayTuner*1Power*2 TV power*2 TV channel up*2TV channel down*2 TV volume up*2 TV volume down*2 TV mute*2TV inputPreset stations (1-8)Preset upPreset downA/B/C/D/ESYSTEMPOWERSTANDBYPOWERAVPOWERTVPOWERTV4321ENTERTAINMENTROCKJAZZHALLV-AUXVCRD-TV/CBLDVDSLEEPTUNERMD/CD-RCDTVAMPCODE SETMUTEINPUTMUTEREC 6CH INPUTAUDIODISC SKIPVOLUME+–+–+–CHVOLENTER+1009STEREO/DTS87654321ENTERTAINMENTROCKJAZZHALLMUTESET MENUSELECTPRESET/CHA/B/C/D/ELEVELMENUTESTRETURN DISPLAYTITLE+–6.1/5.1NIGHTTV THTR MOVIE1 MOVIE2MUSIC234567189qew0rREMOTE CONTROL FEATURES