54 PCM (Linear PCM)Linear PCM is a signal format under which an analogaudio signal is digitized, recorded and transmitted withoutusing any compression. This is used as a method ofrecording CDs and DVD audio. The PCM system uses atechnique for sampling the size of the analog signal pervery small unit of time. Standing for “pulse codemodulation”, the analog signal is encoded as pulses andthen modulated for recording. Sampling frequency and number ofquantized bitsWhen digitizing an analog audio signal, the number oftimes the signal is sampled per second is called thesampling frequency, while the degree of fineness whenconverting the sound level into a numeric value is calledthe number of quantized bits.The range of rates that can be played back is determinedbased on the sampling rate, while the dynamic rangerepresenting the sound level difference is determined bythe number of quantized bits. In principle, the higher thesampling frequency, the wider the range of frequenciesthat can be played back, and the higher the number ofquantized bits, the more finely the sound level can bereproduced.GLOSSARY