SAFETY INFORMATION2-22 Many accidents have been causedby error of the motorcycle opera-tor. A typical error made by the op-erator is veering wide on a turndue to excessive speed or under-cornering (insufficient lean anglefor the speed). Never travel fasterthan warranted by conditions. Ride cautiously in unfamiliar ar-eas. You may encounter hiddenobstacles that could cause an ac-cident. The posture of the operator is im-portant for proper control. The op-erator should keep both hands onthe handlebar and both feet on theoperator footrests during operationto maintain control of the motorcy-cle. Never ride under the influence ofalcohol or other drugs. Be sure the transmission is in neu-tral before starting the engine.Protective ApparelThe majority of fatalities from motorcy-cle accidents are the result of head in-juries. The use of a safety helmet is thesingle most critical factor in the preven-tion or reduction of head injuries. Always wear an approved helmet. Wear a face shield or goggles.Wind in your unprotected eyescould contribute to an impairmentof vision that could delay seeing ahazard. The use of a jacket, heavy boots,trousers, gloves, etc., is effective inpreventing or reducing abrasionsor lacerations. Never wear loose-fitting clothes,otherwise they could catch on thecontrol levers, footrests, or wheelsand cause injury or an accident. Always wear protective clothingthat covers your legs, ankles, andfeet. The engine or exhaust sys-tem become very hot during or af-ter operation and can cause burns.Avoid Carbon Monoxide PoisoningAll engine exhaust contains carbonmonoxide, a deadly gas. Breathing car-bon monoxide can cause headaches,dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, confu-sion, and eventually death.Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odor-less, tasteless gas which may bepresent even if you do not see or smellany engine exhaust. Deadly levels ofcarbon monoxide can collect rapidlyand you can quickly be overcome andunable to save yourself. Also, deadlylevels of carbon monoxide can lingerfor hours or days in enclosed or poorlyventilated areas. If you experience anysymptoms of carbon monoxide poison-ing, leave the area immediately, getfresh air, and SEEK MEDICAL TREAT-MENT. Do not run engine indoors. Even ifyou try to ventilate engine exhaustwith fans or open windows anddoors, carbon monoxide can rap-idly reach dangerous levels. Do not run engine in poorly venti-lated or partially enclosed areassuch as barns, garages, or Page 2 Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:34 AM