INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS4-24EAU41262Brake leverThe brake lever is located at the righthandlebar grip. To apply the frontbrake, pull the lever toward the handle-bar grip.The brake lever is equipped with a po-sition adjusting bolt. Adjust the distancebetween the brake lever and the han-dlebar grip as follows.1. Slide the rubber cover toward theend of the brake lever.2. Loosen the locknut.3. While holding the lever pushedaway from the handlebar grip, turnthe adjusting bolt in direction (a) toincrease the distance, and in direc-tion (b) to decrease it.4. Tighten the locknut.5. Slide the rubber cover to its origi-nal position.EAU12941Brake pedalThe brake pedal is on the right side ofthe motorcycle. To apply the rearbrake, press down on the brake pedal.1. Rubber cover2. Brake lever3. Locknut4. Adjusting bolt5. Distance between brake lever and handlebargrip143(a)(b)25Distance between the brake leverand the handlebar grip:Minimum (shortest):76 mm (2.99 in)Standard:95 mm (3.74 in)Maximum (longest):97 mm (3.82 in) 1. Brake Page 2 Tuesday, June 15, 2010 10:34 AM