6 - 11COOLTHERMOSTATEAS00464ASSEMBLING THE THERMOSTATASSEMBLY1. Install:• thermostat housing 1• thermostat 2• O-ring 3• thermostat housing cover 4NOTE:_Install the thermostat with its breather hole afacing up.New2. Install:• coolant temperature sensor 1CAUTION:_Use extreme care when handling thethermo switch and temperature sender.Replace any part that was dropped or sub-jected to a strong impact.EAS00466INSTALLING THE THERMOSTATASSEMBLY1. Fill:• cooling system(with the specified amount of the recom-mended coolant)Refer to “CHANGING THE COOLANT” inchapter 3.2. Check:• cooling systemLeaks → Repair or replace any faulty part.3. Measure:• radiator cap opening pressureBelow the specified pressure → Replacethe radiator cap.Refer to “CHECKING THE RADIATOR”.T R. .18 Nm (1.8 m · kg, 13 ft · lb)