2 - 20SPECTIGHTENING TORQUESNOTE:1. First, tighten the bolt to approximately 20 Nm (2.0 m • kg, 14 ft • lb) with a torque wrench.2. Retighten the bolt to 20 Nm (2.0 m • kg, 14 ft • lb), and tighten another 41 ~ 46° with a anglegauge or 32 Nm (3.2 m • kg, 23 ft • lb) with a torque wrench.EXUP servo motor cover Screw M5 2 2 0.2 1.4Intake air temperature sensor — M12 1 18 1.8 13Cylinder identification sensor Bolt M6 1 10 1.0 7.2 LTAtmospheric pressure sensor Screw M5 2 7 0.7 5.1Speed sensor Bolt M6 1 10 1.0 7.2Stator coil clamp Bolt M6 1 10 1.0 7.2 LTCrankcase tightening sequence:Item Fastener Threadsize Q’tyTighteningtorque RemarksNm m·kg ft·lb