![Yamaha YZF-R1P Service Manual Manual pdf 431 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5807828/12a1f6e0eec30d670ef32e75b94b5b5e431f.jpg)
9 - 1TRBLSHTGEAS00844TROUBLESHOOTINGNOTE:_The following guide for troubleshooting does not cover all the possible causes of trouble. It shouldbe helpful, however, as a guide to basic troubleshooting. Refer to the relative procedure in this man-ual for checks, adjustments, and replacement of parts.STARTING FAILURESENGINECylinder(s) and cylinder head(s)• Loose spark plug• Loose cylinder head or cylinder• Damaged cylinder head gasket• Damaged cylinder gasket• Worn or damaged cylinder• Incorrect valve clearance• Improperly sealed valve• Incorrect valve-to-valve-seat contact• Incorrect valve timing• Faulty valve spring• Seized valvePiston(s) and piston ring(s)• Improperly installed piston ring• Damaged, worn or fatigued piston ring• Seized piston ring• Seized or damaged pistonAir filter• Improperly installed air filter• Clogged air filter elementCrankcase and crankshaft• Improperly assembled crankcase• Seized crankshaftFUEL SYSTEMFuel tank• Empty fuel tank• Clogged fuel filter• Clogged fuel strainer• Clogged fuel tank drain hose• Clogged rollover valve• Clogged rollover valve hose• Deteriorated or contaminated fuelFuel pump• Faulty fuel pump• Faulty fuel pump relayThrottle body (-ies)• Deteriorated or contaminated fuel• Sucked-in airSTARTING FAILURES