Troubleshooting205Parameter Description Configuration Methodpacket filter string. SIP or H245 or H225—CaptureSIP, H245 and H225 packets. RTP—Capture RTP packets.Default: SIP or H245 or H225Packet FilterStringCustomizes the packet filter string.Syntax:Protocol+Direction+Host(s)+ Value+Logical Operations+OtherExpressionProtocol:Values: ether, fddi, ip, arp, rarp,decnet, lat, sca, moprc, mopdl, tcpand udp.Application-level protocol, such ashttp, dns and sip are not supported.If no protocol is specified, all theprotocols are used.Direction:Values: src, dst, src and dst, src ordstIf no source or destination isspecified, the "src or dst" keywordsare applied.For example: "host" isequivalent to "src or dst host10.2.2.2".Host(s):Values: net, port, host, portrange.If no host(s) is specified, the "host"keyword is used.For example: "src" isequivalent to "src host".Logical Operations:Values: not, and, or.Negation ("not") has highestprecedence. Alternation ("or") andconcatenation ("and") have equalWeb User Interface