Configuring Network57IPv6 Network parameters need to be configured manually on the system are described below.Parameter Description Configuration MethodMode (IPv4/IPv6)Configures the IP address mode.Default: IPv4Note: If you change this parameter,the IP phone will reboot to make thechange take effect.Remote ControlWeb User InterfaceStatic IPEnables or disables the system touse manually configured IPv6network settings.Default: DisabledNote: If you change this parameter,the system will reboot to make thechange take effect.Remote ControlWeb User InterfaceIP AddressConfigures the IPv6 addressassigned to the system.Default: BlankNote: If you change this parameter,the system will reboot to make thechange take effect.Remote ControlWeb User InterfaceIPv6prefix((0~128)Configures the IPv6 prefix.Default: BlankNote: If you change this parameter,the system will reboot to make thechange take effect.Remote ControlWeb User InterfaceGatewayConfigures the IPv6 default gateway.Default: BlankNote: If you change this parameter,the system will reboot to make thechange take effect.Remote ControlWeb User InterfaceStatic DNS/StaticIPv6 DNSTriggers the static IPv6 DNS featureto on or off.Default: OffNote: If you change this parameter,the system will reboot to make thechange take effect.Remote ControlWeb User InterfaceDNS PrimaryServer/PrimaryConfigures the primary IPv6 DNSserver.Remote ControlWeb User Interface