Bread and pizzaFoodTop / Bottom Heat True Fan CookingTime (min) CommentsTemperature(°C)Shelf posi-tionTemperature(°C)Shelf posi-tionWhitebread1)190 1 190 1 60 - 70 1 - 2pieces,500 gr perpieceRye bread 190 1 180 1 30 - 45 In a breadtinBreadrolls1)190 2 180 2 (2 and4)25 - 40 6 - 8 rollsin a bakingtrayPizza1) 230 - 250 1 230 - 250 1 10 - 20 In a bakingtray or adeep panScones1) 200 3 190 3 10 - 20 In a bakingtray1) Preheat the oven for 10 minutes.FlansFoodTop / Bottom Heat True Fan CookingTime (min) CommentsTemperature(°C)Shelf posi-tionTemperature(°C)Shelf posi-tionPasta flan 200 2 180 2 40 - 50 In a mouldVegetableflan200 2 175 2 45 - 60 In a mouldQuiches1) 180 1 180 1 50 - 60 In a mouldLasagne1) 180 - 190 2 180 - 190 2 25 - 40 In a mouldCannello-ni1)180 - 190 2 180 - 190 2 25 - 40 In a mould1) Preheat the oven for 10 minutes.14