12 SafetyG-30-1426-en S88 Floor Stand with Lifting Column Issue 9.0Printed on 28. 01. 2009The device described in this manual has been designed and tested in ac-cordance with Carl Zeiss safety standards as well as German and inter-national standards. This guarantees a high degree of instrument safety.The system described in this user manual has been designed in compli-ance with the requirements of:In accordance with Directive 93/42/EEC for medical devices, the com-plete quality management system of the company Carl Zeiss SurgicalGmbH, 73446 Oberkochen, Germany, has been certified by DQS Deut-sche Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen GmbH, anotified body, under registration number 250758 MP23.– As per Directive 93/42/EEC, the unit is a Class I instrument.– For USA: FDA classification Class I.We would like to provide you with information about safety aspects whichmust be observed when handling this device. This chapter contains asummary of the most important information concerning matters relevantto instrument safety.Important safety information has been incorporated in this manual and ismarked with a warning triangle accordingly. Please give this informationyour special attention.The correct use of the system is absolutely vital for safe operation. Pleasemake yourself totally familiar with the contents of this manual prior to start-up of the instrument. Please also observe the user manuals of any addi-tional equipment. Further information is available from our service depart-ment or from authorized representatives.• Please observe all applicable accident prevention regulations.• The instrument must be connected to a special emergency backupline supply in accordance with the regulations or directives which ap-ply in your country.Notes on installation and useSafe working order• Do not operate the equipment contained in the delivery package in– explosion-risk areas,– EN – IEC – UL – CSA