Video MenuUse the Video menu to customize the picture appearance.Page 22Press the MENU key repeatedly until the Videomenu appears, on the optional Installer remote.Your options are:• Contrast: Adjusts the level of difference betweenwhite and black in the TV picture. The morecontrast, the brighter the picture appears.• Brightness: Increases or decreases amount ofwhite in the TV picture.• Color: Adjusts levels of all colors in the TVpicture.• Tint: Balances between amounts of red and greenin the TV picture.• Sharpness: Raises or lowers the definition of theTV picture. The lower the level, the softer theimages will appear.• Picture Preference: Choose either Custom orPreset. Custom allows you to set the picture theway you want.Preset moves all the above options back to theiroriginal, factory-set levels.Using SELECT on the installer’s remote control,choose Contrast on the screen.Using the Right/Left ADJ arrow, change the contrastlevel to your preference.Press ENTER, or MENU one more time to return toTV viewing, or repeat from step two to set the othermenu options.Picture PreferenceUse SELECT to choose Picture Preference on thescreen.Use the Right/Left ADJ arrow, to choose either theoriginal settings with Preset, or your own settingswith Custom.Choose the Preset option in Picture Preference toquickly reset the levels to their original values.1 2 34 5 6708ENTER9POWERTV/FMLS BF H KEMUTVOLUMEECH NNA LMENUADJ ADJSELECTTIMER BANKCH PREVIEWBED 1 BED 2 CC- +-+2/A1 43/B1234AB