28-I. CH. OVERRIDE (Channel Override)When set to 1, the user can select channels witheither Channel Up/Down or by direct keypad entry.When set to 0, only those channels that areentered for scanning may be selected by directkeypad entry. Note: If set to 0, Auto Program islocked; (as shown on Setup menu) channelsearch is not possible.29-I. OLD OCV (On Command VideoTM)Set to 1 for operation with systems from OnCommand Corporation.30-I. ACK MASKM.P.I. Communication Parameter. Leave at defaultsetting unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider.31-I. POLL RATEM.P.I. Communication Parameter. Leave at defaultsetting unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider32-I. TIMING PULSEM.P.I. Communication Parameter. Leave at defaultsetting unless changed by Pay-Per-View provider.33-I. NOT USED34-I. NOT USED35-I. NOT USED36-I. NOT USED37-I. NOT USED38-I. NOT USED39-I. REAR VIDEO EN.Set to 1 to enable rear AUX (Video) input.Set to 0 to disable rear AUX input.40-I. NOT USED41-I. NOT USED42-I. NOT USED43-I. NOT USED44-I. NOT USED45-I. NOT USEDPage 36Installer Menu Item 28-I through 59-I: Detailed Descriptions.Installer Menus46-I. NOT USED47-I. NOT USED48-I. DIS. SETUP M.Set to 1 to disable the Setup menu. Setup menuwill not appear. Set to 0 to enable the Setup menu49-I. NOT USED50-I. DIS. VIDEO M.Set to 1 to disable the Video menu. Video menuwill not appear. Set to 0 to enable the Video menu.51 DIS. VCHIP M.Set to 1 to disable the Parental Control menu.Parental Control menu will not appear.Set to 0 to enable the Parental Control menu.52-I. NOT USED53-I. DIS. CH-TIME.Set to 1 to disable the Channel-Time display.Channel-Time display will not appear.Set to 0 to enable the Channel-Time display.54-I. EN. SET. COL.Set to 1 to enable custom color settings for theSetup menu. Set to 0 to disable custom colorsettings for the Setup menu.55-I. FOR. SETUP M. (Setup Menu ForegroundColor)Set according to Color Chart.0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White2 = Green 5 = Violet56-I. BCK. SETUP M. (Setup Menu BackgroundColor)Set according to Color Chart.0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White2 = Green 5 = Violet57-I. NOT USED58-I. NOT USED59-I. NOT USED