60-I. EN. VIDEO. COL.Set to 1 to enable custom color settings for theVideo menu. Set to 0 to disable custom colorsettings for the Video menu.61-I. FOR. VIDEO M. (Video Menu ForegroundColor)Set according to Color Chart.0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White2 = Green 5 = Violet62-I. BCK. VIDEO. COL. (Video MenuBackground Color)Set according to Color Chart.0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White2 = Green 5 = Violet63-I. EN. PTL. COL.Set to 1 to enable custom color settings for the V-Chip menu. Set to 0 to disable custom colorsettings for the V-Chip menu.64-I. FOR. PTL. M. (V-Chip Menu ForegroundColor)Set according to Color Chart.0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White2 = Green 5 = Violet65-I. BCK. PTL. M. (V-Chip Menu BackgroundColor)Set according to Color Chart.0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White2 = Green 5 = Violet66-I. NOT USED67-I. NOT USED68-I. NOT USED69-I. EN. CH-T COL.Set to 1 to enable custom color for the Channel-Time display. Set to 0 to disable custom color forthe Channel-Time display.Page 37Installer MenusInstaller Menu Items 60-I through 78-I: Detailed Descriptions.70-I. FOR. CH-T COL. (Channel-Time DisplayForeground Color)Set according to Color Chart.0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White2 = Green 5 = VioletNote: If foreground and background color are thesame, menu background is transparent.71-I. BCK. CH-T COL. (Channel-Time DisplayBackground Color)Set according to Color Chart.0 = Black 3 = Yellow 6 = Cyan1 = Red 4 = Blue 7 = White2 = Green 5 = VioletNote: If foreground and background color are thesame, menu background is transparent.72-I. NOT USED73-I. CH NOT AVBLEWhen set to 1 and channel override is set to 0,“NOT AVAILABLE” message is displayed whendirect accessing a channel not in the favoritechannel list.74-I. CH-TIME SIZEWhen set to 1 and transparent background isselected for Channel-Time display, (foregroundcolor = background color and custom colorenabled) a large channel number is displayedinstead of the normal Channel-Time display.75-I. NOT USED76-I. DEFEAT XDSSet to 1 to disable XDS display. Set to 0 to enableXDS display.77-I. QUICK SHUTOFFAllows TV power off to be controlled by the pillowspeaker channel selection button. User wouldpress and hold button down for time required tohave TV turn off. Value Range 0 - 17, eachnumber represents 1/2 second. For example, if setto 4, TV would turn off if user held speakerchannel button down for 2 seconds.78-I. UPN MSBUser programmable number, most significant bytereadable by M.P.I. Command.