Sending and receiving email :: 657. Enter the username you use to access your email.8. Select the Password box, enter your email accountpassword, and then select OK.9. Select Next.10.If you chose an email provider from the Mail Servicespick list on the Account Setup screen, the mail serverscreen is already filled in. If you chose Other, enteryour email address and the names of the incomingand outgoing mail servers.11.Select Next, and then select Done.Creating and sending messages1. From the Inbox, select New.2. Begin entering the addressee’s email address, firstname, or last name. If the information you areentering matches one or more entries in Contacts,VersaMail displays the matching contacts. To accepta suggestion, select the correct contact. To send toa different address, keep entering the email addressor name.3. Enter the subject and message text. To movebetween fields, press Up or Down .4. Select Send to connect and send all messages immediately, Outbox to put themessage in the Outbox to send later, or Drafts to save the message and continueworking on it at another time. If you select Send and the message cannot be sentfor any reason, the message is stored in your Outbox. VersaMail continuesattempting to send the message at the first available opportunity until the messageis sent.To send a copy or blindcopy, select Cc or Bcc andenter the address(es) inthose fields. See“Customizing your emailsettings” on page 70 fordetails on displaying theBcc field.You can mark outgoingmessages as high priority.Open the Options menuand select Set PriorityTo High.